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1st March 2024

Sam Dougan

Your marketing ecosystem, incoming and outgoing connections, integrations and other software all form part of your ‘tech stack’.

Implementing a DAM into that tech stack can be powerful in enhancing your offerings, and refining your workflow and content structure, but a DAM is only as powerful as its ability to connect to the rest of your tools.

The goal of implementing a DAM should revolve around free-flowing information, being able to pull content to and from your DAM, in and out of creative suites, past a project management tool, through an approval process, and then back into the DAM for external and internal sharing.

A DAM looks after three aspects of your content:




When building a use case for a DAM to be included as part of your tech stack, you should consider the following questions:

How do we increase adoption by our users?

Will it improve our workflow?

Can it shorten delivery times?

How will it improve comms?

It needs to enhance data quality!

Will we see it increase productivity?

Does it offer convenience?

A tech stack is personalised to each company but it often consists of the following:

CMS - Content Management System - WordPress for example, is responsible for brand consistency & allows for lots of time saving.

CRM - Customer Relationship Management - Salesforce, for example, it’s one big customer database, allowing direct sharing from one platform, ensuring up-to-date content 24/7.

Project & Campaign Management Tools - for example, displays roles and responsibilities, allowing for teamwork, estimates timelines and approvals. Has the ability to push/pull assets from the DAM and assign tasks.

Creative Suite - Adobe Creative Cloud, for example, a full creative suite of software, video editing etc, accelerates processes, is managed securely, and initial backup whilst working on projects live 24/7 access. From desktop to DAM, seamless, real-time updates to design files.

PIM - Product Information Systems - such as Akeneo - dedicated to product data, and inventory and distributes information to e-commerce sites and channels.

IMP - Identity Management platform - such as Azure Active Directory - centralized user management and log-in/ access, SSO, MFA to all platforms - not just your DAM but almost all listed software above.

This is a breakdown of a simple tech stack, advanced businesses and situations often require more software and systems.